Friday, January 6, 2012

This Thing of Ours by Cammy Franzese

This Thing of Ours is the story of Cammy Franzese and how her relationship with Michael Franzese began and the various struggles they endured throughout their life together. My husband has heard Michael speak at a church so I was already familiar with their story. She really got across the influence her mother had on her life. I appreciated the insight she gave and the faith and prayer life her mother displayed. I also thought the point she kept making about this was her choice and she must live with the consequences of her choice was a refreshing thought in a world where we often don't take responsibility and look for an easy way out. The legacy of her mother was truly inspiring and it really came across that it was the faithful prayers of her mother that allowed her to overcome.

I received this book free from booksneeze in exchange for my review

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